About - mira jewellery
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MIRA was founded by jewellery designer, Miranda Rashidian. Born in London to Persian Greek parents, she always had a strong sense of history and tradition. With a father who was raised in Japan came a fascination with the East. With this came a love of story telling. Imagination plays a strong role in her life. Lost in a world of fairy tale. Her jewellery expresses this; it is about play and protection, tradition and concepts.

Early on she developed a passion for travel and discovering this is reflected in the elements and narratives she picks up. Curious, about absolutely every thing. Drawn to aesthetics and words, from a very young age.

Miranda started off with a foundation course at LAMDA, then took a Fine Art/Art History degree at Goldsmith’s College University of London. At this point she went to work in Paris, before going on to do a masters degree in Arts Policy and Management. Only to fall into jewellery by accident when she moved to Greece. She takes an up an internship and that was the beginning.

Miranda strives to tell a story, she wants her pieces to be ordinary and yet magical at the same time. Subtle and exciting. Pieces that transcend the moment.